About Me


If a book is well written I always find it too short.

– Jane Austen

My Story

Dawn Hogan

A mother of four grown children, and grandmother of two precious girls, Dawn Hogan lives in Huntsville, Alabama with her husband of twenty-nine years, Ralph and their college age, youngest son Christopher, along with their snarky tabby cat named Zero. She has worked in the technology sector in an administrative capacity. 

For fifteen years, as a husband and wife team, the Hogan’s owned a professional photography studio. When her children were school age she devoted much of her time to volunteering at their schools and soccer teams. She has dedicated the last sixteen years to developing her craft of fiction writing. She enjoys cooking and entertaining. She is regularly covered with sawdust and paint from whatever craft or remodeling project she has undertaken. These days, when Dawn is not at her computer working on her next novel, she attends writers meetings, book clubs as well as volunteers with Friends of the Library, at her local neighborhood library. An avid reader, she is always enthusiastic to share her recommendations on the latest book she found hard to put down.

Dawn Hogan

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